My Go-To Breakfasts


Breakfast wasn’t always my favorite meal as it is usually rushed, but I’ve really grown to love it now that I have a few easy, no brainer go-to’s. I’m not someone to enforce eating breakfast the minute you wake up (unless you are someone who wakes up starving, more power to you!). I am crazy about rehydrating first thing in the morning with hot water with lemon and apple cider vinegar and two full glasses of room temperature water (I’ve recently become obsessed with Rising Springs natural mineral water thanks to my good friend Kelsey!) Our bodies are like shriveled up flowers in the morning that need to be watered! Once you hydrate, I believe in waiting for your body to tell you it’s time to eat. If you can, wait until you feel hungry! I have found eating before you’re fully awake and hungry in the morning can lead to bloating or indigestion. All of these breakfasts include protein, fiber, healthy fats and are low in sugar to keep your energy and focus steady until lunch time. What are your favorite breakfasts??

Green smoothie:

Flourless Banana Pancakes

·      1 banana

·      2 eggs

·      1 tsp vanilla extract

·      Dash of cinnamon

·      1 cup blueberries

Blend ingredients (besides berries) together until batter like consistency and make like pancakes! For a sturdier pancake add 1/4 cup of quick oats. Add blueberries to batter. You can also pour batter into muffin tin and make into muffins.


·      2-3 scrambled eggs seasoned with basil, Himalayan sea salt, red chili peppers (can also do hardboiled if easier to transport)

·      1/4 avocado

·      1/2 cup mixed berries

Yogurt Parfait

·      6 oz Plain Greek yogurt or Non-dairy yogurt (I like Kite Hill!)

·      1 tablespoon chia seeds, mixed in

·      1 cup mixed berries

·      1 tablespoons chopped nuts or nut butter mixed in


·      1/2 cup cooked oatmeal in almond milk

·      1 tbsp nut butter mixed in or 2 tbsp powdered PB2 (I find this just mixes better in oatmeal/smoothies/yogurt!)

·      1 tablespoon chia/hemp seeds

·      1 cup mixed berries

·      Dash of cinnamon

Ezekiel Sprouted Toast (I love their cinnamon raisin English muffins as well)

  • 1 slice, toasted

  • Top with 2 tbsp almond butter, kite hill vegan cream cheese (amazing with everything bagel seasoning on top!) or mashed avocado and tomato

  • side of 1/2 cup berries

Also check out my other favorite recipes- omelet muffins, overnight oats, and chia pudding!